Friday 10 February 2012

Letter to Zero [Character Analysis]

            Dear Zero,
            I read the book Holes which tells your story in Camp Green Lake. I also heard the good news about your life after Camp Green Lake that you found your mother at last, you got rid of living homeless and you are building yourself a new life. Camp Green Lake isn’t a remedy for most of its dwellers. However, fortunately for you and Stanley together with loyalty built a new character yourselves by digging holes. I name it “destiny”.
You have a pure heart and you act to others with justice, according to what they deserve to be acted. Members of Group D except Stanley don't deserve to be spoken with, so you didn’t say what you feel. In my opinion, your silence indicates that you use your energy to think and comprehend rather than speak with others. I admire your ability.
            It is miserable that some of human beings believe what they want to believe in. For instance, in contrary to what Mr. Pendanski and others believe in, you are brilliant at maths and you can memorize directly what you try to learn. People in Camp Green Lake couldn’t understand your profound thoughts. I hope with all my heart that you will have a good friends like you, because in society people respect a loyal person with a great talent to maths. 

            Yours sincerely,
            A considerate and understanding friend

            Note: I have attached your photo with Stanley to the letter.

You and Stanley, hand in hand

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