Friday, 10 February 2012

The Word “Delirious”

            When I was reading 29th chapter, I noticed the word “delirious”. It inspired me Turkish word “deli” which means crazy. Then I found out that also “delirious” means crazy. I think it is a really interesting coincidence which probably doesn't occur due to a borrowing from a language to another one. Anyway, I generally like to relate words with similar pronunciation and writing. What especially gave me pleasure to relate the pronunciation of “delirious” and “deliriyoruz” which means “We are getting crazy.” .

            The noun “deal” can be given as another example to similar pronunciations of two different words. One can relate it with the Turkish word “değil” which means in English “not”. I have experienced also a funny conversation about it before a couple of days.
One of my friends said that they played Monopoly Deal. I didn’t know the difference between a normal Monopoly and Monopoly Deal. So I asked her:
“What is actually different by Monopoly Deal?”
She said: “It is actually not same as the normal one. There is a big different between them, even. As I said, one can infer that also from its name: Monopoly Değil (Which means in Turkish “It is not Monopoly.”)”  
This joke was a good one. (207 words)

1 comment:

  1. nice work! i was in the same situtation with you about the word "delirious". i read the joke you heard and i think that's really clever stuff.
